Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blog 8

Most People Do not want Freedom

In my opinion most people do not want freedom because it would change their everyday life styles which they are accustomed too. Some people are afraid taking risks , thinking that it would harm them or make their lifes more difficult than it is. For example in the "Allegory of the Cave" a few prisoner were kept in a cave since childhood , not having any knowlegde of the real world they thought the cave was their world. All they saw were shadows and  heard noices. One of the prisoner was released from the cave to go and explore what is outside of the cave, he took a risk to change his life not knowing if that would harm in anyway or if he would come back alive or not . He learned that there is a real world out there other than the cave then came back and tried to convince the other prisoners that there is more out there than the cave which  is  "Freedom". The prisoners did not believe him and stated that was insane. In my opinion everyone  is making their own "Freedom" in their everyday lives. Some people like to work 9am to 5pm , go home have dinner, watch t.v. and go to sleep. Others don't like working 9am to 5pm , instead they work either from home or from the park. You have a choice in life either take a risk and change your life or stick to the routine that makes you happy and call that your "Freedom".

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